Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Blog for 2009

Yes, this used to be my "Adventures in Tasmania" blog. But, seeing as I hadn't actually posted anything here since, say, July, I decided that the New Year required a new vision. Spurred by my partner Reed (who said, in no uncertain terms: 'Your blog should be about food. Almost every day you say "This is the best "____" I ever ate!"'), I have changed the focus of my blog to food.
Now, for a little background, I am a geologist. I am not even a very skilled cook. But, I really like to eat. Particularly chocolate. And Reed is correct; seldom does a week go by where I don't exclaim "This is the best (fill in food item here) I ever ate!". So, I will attempt to record the great food moments of my life here. My first few posts will be past food-events, to bring things up to speed. Don't expect the words such as "palate" or "essence of" or "mouth-feel" here. Expect more like "best-damn-chocolate ever"! Bon apetit!

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