Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm a lame blogger...or, why ultimate frisbee is not conducive to a food blog

So, I just stumbled upon my own blog (thanks, Facebook!) and realized that my last post was approximately 8 months ago....oi. This does not mean I have not been eating and am now severely malnourished. It does not even mean that I have not been eating things that have made me exclaim "This is the best _____ I've ever eaten!" I am just lazy. I apologize.
In my defense, I've had a fairly eventful past 8 months "Down Under". I've managed to:
- play in the Australian National Championships on the Tasmanian womens Ultimate Frisbee team in Perth
- start homebrewing
- move to a cute cottage built in the mid 1800s
- knit 3 hats (all FAILS) for my (now) husband
- oh yeah, and GET MARRIED in Idaho!

I will attempt to document some of these things in upcoming posts, and of course, share how good food continues to be a staple in my life.

And I'll try not to be such a lazy blogger.

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